Business Type: Service / Home contractors / Heating air conditioning / Home repairs / Home maintenance / Roofing company / Plumbing repairs

When possible offer a free inspection of some sort. For example, if you are a plumber, offer to check the floor drains with a camera. Often you may discover a problem which a home owner was unaware of and you can now provide a quote.
The same would apply to a roofing business. If the area you service has recently had some bad weather or high winds, you could offer free roof inspections, which may also lead to repair work.
If you operate a heating and air conditioning business, offering a free inspection of a furnace before winter or inspecting an air conditioning unit before summer.
To get your offer out, consider advertising through social media, door hangers or postcards delivered by Canada Post or emailing / calling all of your previous customers. If you don’t already have an email list, now is also a good time to start one, so that you could just email offers such as this.