Name of Business: Nomad Tours Québec Website: www.nomadtoursquebec.com Email: nomadtoursquebec@gmail.com
Location: Quebec City, Canada
How did you get the idea for your business? Or how did you get into the business? I studied the Tourism industry for 3 years and after my graduation, I wanted to have a new challenge of my own. I wanted to create tours I would love guiding and do exactly what motivates me.
What is your typical day like? How do you make it productive? Every day is different! My first tour of the day starts around 9:00am or 10:00am. Then, I have lunch at a local café with a colleague, if possible! My afternoon tour starts around 1:30. When I come back home, it’s time to answer emails and get paperwork done.
What is the one thing that makes you productive as an entrepreneur? My guests! They inspire and motivate me so much!
What advice would you give your younger self? Don’t be shy and dive into the action. ”You don’t have to be good to start, but you have to start to be good.”
As an entrepreneur, what is the one thing you do and recommend everyone else do? I never feel embarrassed to ask for help to my contacts. Just have a look at your colleagues and friends, everyone has skills you can take advantage from. Everybody enjoys helping someone!
What are a few strategies that have helped you grow your business? I always ask my clients for feedback and reviews online. Online reviews are so important in the tourism industry.
Tell us about one of your failures and what you did about it? I never experienced big failures, so far… But during winter of 2019, I found out that my website badly needed improvements and I needed to have this fixed ASAP… so I contacted Clear View Marketing!
What is one business idea that you think someone should start? It’s hard to tell! I think entrepreneurs should find a niche with a need and find a product or service for this niche. You don’t have to please everyone.
What one thing can you not live without as an entrepreneur? My music! It helps me relax and focus before a tour.
What book(s) do you recommend others to read? What to Do When It’s Your Turn by Seth Godin
What are your most inspiring quotes? ”Do what you love, and love what you do”.
How do you maintain balance in your lifestyle? During summer, I try not to work over the weekends. It’s temping but I found out that I need weekends to recharge my batteries.
If you could go back in time, what would you do different as an entrepreneur? Nothing! Every experience is a good experience.